
Sunday 24 March 2013

Essays Outlining

                                                           Studying in The Large Cities

I. Introduction

         Thesis statement: studying in the large cities has certain advantages over studying in the suburbs:  the ease in gaining information, the amount of daily needs, and the good facilities.

II. Body

A. The ease in gaining information.
        1. The large cities are the center of government, factory, and education.
        2. The spreading of issues in the great cities faster than in the suburbs.
B. As students the needs that must be required are more than the common people.
        1. The big cities provides the students equipment cheaper and easier.
        2. Many market exists, help the students to achieve the daily needs.
C. The large cities requires the good facilities to the students.
        1. The government do not serve the same facilities between suburbs and the large cities.
        2. The facilities take the great rule in term of the education’s quality.

III. Conclusion
        In short, the studying in the large cities has certainly eased the students to increase their qualities rather than studying in the suburbs. But, again as in the same cases the existance of the disadvantages can not be ignored, there is more risk and threat will happen if the students do not do the right. The ease of finding the news, the existance of appliance, and the facilities which were provided by the government should be benefited affectively.

Resuming Assigment

                                                                          Essays Writing
                          Essay is one of the writing types which have become popular. The word essays itself is the English word which was influenced by Latin language, it comes from the word ‘exigere’ which means ‘to test’, ‘to examine’, and literally it translated into ‘drive out’. This type of writing  is common used to argue something, concise the information, concerning about one issue then playing the idea with describing,  remarking on the issues, giving the result and commentating of the issues by showing the research or even though telling the story. But, no matter what the common purposes of writing essays is again to argue what have happened, using the moderate point of view. Neither very formal language nor the informal, it states in the middle of it.
                         There are four genres of essays, it differs in the way of arguing towards the thing. The expository essay is a kind that requires the author to pay attention to the issues which have spread and gives the evaluation. Usually it consists of the five paragraphs essay which connected well. The thesis statement usually explained in the first paragraph by giving the factual and logical explanation.
The author can also create the essays by describing people, places and whatever the exciting  thing to them. To make this essay different with the descriptive text the author should choose the words carefully and make it more academically, then involving the emotion in the story to impress the reader with the content is also needed, but the organitation of the words must be arranged logically.
If many readers interested in reading the narrative text, it will be the same cases as in the narrative essay. While writing this narrative essay the author must have the great reason why they must analyse it. The author’s reason  why they decide to analyse the story must be mentioned with telling all the intrinsic element of the story logically.
The last type of essays is argumentative, it is similar with the expository one. It differenciate in length, and the amounth of research which involved. The data which involved in this essays more accurate and observed, because observation is needed to find the correct data.
All those kind of essay are the types that the authors can do to write, and it could be learned by practicing.

Group Assigment

                                                                           First Group
                                      1. Hanna Nadia
                                      2. Fadhilah Anies
                                      3. Reza Asferdian
                                      4. Nur Patria
                                      5. Siti Nurul Hidayah
The Answers

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A

6. Dillon, A (1994) stated that there are three tendencies in reading strategies; (1) Stay on the same text until understand even through skimming. (2) Readers were not interested if they didn’t understand. (3) Reader just read without cares their understanding.
References : Dillon, A (1994). Designing usable electronic text: Ergonomic aspects of human information usage. London: Taylor & Francis.

7. According to Schwier, R & Misanchuk, E. (1993) Interactive multimedia instruction brings mediated instruction from more than one source to the learner experiences. With one multi-channel output, we can think of it in terms of many single inputs.
References: Schwier, R & Misanchuk, E. (1993). Interactive multimedia instruction. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publication.

8. According to Driscoll (2000), we should make arrangement of events to acquisition some goal. First, range your knowledge. Second, choose what you want to be. Then, choose the setting of place to do that program. References: Driscoll, M.P (2000). Psychology of learning for instruction (2nd ed). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

9. Reeves.B. & Nass, C (1996) stated that media influences people life significantly, as the environment influences them.
References: Revees, B & Nass, C. (1996). The media equation: How people treat computers, television, and new media like real people and places. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

10. According to Frick. T.  (1991), computers can do tasks and do the ability to identity those features like diagnosing equipment malfunctions or performing mathematical functions. Also computers can  recognizing  and acknowledging your presence which make us unique and different.
References: Frick. T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology. Bloomington, IN : Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation.

Higher Education
Education will not be a strange word, almost everyone knew and pay more attention toward this issue. Moreover, when the president election time comes, every candidate of the election rise up and carry this issue to become their  first attention and object to develop. When the word "higher" states in front of it, it will change to become more serious things to pay attention. The higher education is becoming the person qualification that must be owned by people who want to continue their living in this globalization era. By spending at least four years and get the certificate that certify them to become qualified person who can be received to work in the professional field.
The quality of one country can be measured by how many people who have their higher education. This fact shows that Indonesia is one the country which have not involved yet to become a good country base on the citizen's education. In the corner of Indonesian country there are still much of the people who haven't known yet what the higher education is. Is it important? They never think that knowledge is important. Base on the fact, There are still worrying from the parents about the rising cost and tuition of higher education. This truth is an addition to the traditional citizen to have the reason in delaying, or even refusing to have the higher education for their children. They just think how to earn money, and think that having a higher education is just one of many ways to earn money as much as they can. If they use this reason to face the higher education so they automatically can be defeated. The people who can be a rich people without having higher education defeat this high education concerning. Just learning how to become a business man directly is the easiest way to earn the money, unless they know what is the real meaning of higher education. It is defeated due to the low economic condition in their life. They do not have the chance to think about the better education. It is better for them to think what they will eat tomorrow than to think which universities will their children choose. It is still difficult to develop, if the government still delay and being enjoy increasing their corruption. They will not think this issues before they fulfill their primer need, they have not considered and recognised it yet.
This higher education is important, but the government should consider the truth. Not all of their citizens know that it is important.