
Friday 27 May 2016

Namanya Hulwah

Manis seperti permen..
Sudah lama jemari ini tidak menitikkan ujungnya untuk bercerita aksara. Aku senang menggabungkan tiga idiom yang aku pikir itu indah "hati, aksara dan titah". Menurutku ketiga kata itu menarik untuk dianalisa, bukan karena aku adalah anak sastra yang pandai mencari makna sebenarnya pada kata-kata. Namun aku lebih suka bermain pada makna kata yang aku artikan sendiri. Ketiga kata tersebut tidak berhubungan jika diartikan secara harfiah namun sungguh aku senang menggabungkan ketiga kata yg berbeda itu dengan sebuah kata yang fenomenal. Tulisan ini ku beri judul 'Namanya Hulwah'. Aku hampir tak ingat siapa dia, dalam hubungan seperti apa aku mengenalnya, karena draft tulisan ini sudah aku tulis lamaa sekali, mungkin lebih dari satu dasawarsa =p. Setelah berpikir keras baru kemudian aku bisa mengingatnya. Hulwah adalah seorang adik kecil yang sempat bertemu denganku beberapa jam ketika aku hendak merantau kembali di Ibukota. Ia adalah seorang adik kecil lucu yang pada hari itu bermain di pantai denganku. Dan kejadian itu dulu sempat membuatku galau.. wkwk
Aku tangguhkan aksaraku terlalu jauh membongkar terlalu dalam. Aku takut obat yang sudah lama bisa menyembuhkannya harus kembali dikonsumsi. Tatap jauh kedepan, dengan pemahaman yang semakin lurus. Dengan ilmu yang dipahami, bukan ilmu yang menjadi hiasan otak tanpa aplikasi. No Galau Please =p.. (SNH)

Definisi Lain 'Jodoh'

Rasanya bahagia, bisa kembali berkesempatan membuka blog ini. Rasa-rasanya ini sudah berdebu dan usang, tapi semoga rahmat dan karunia Allah ini bisa terus aku syukuri. Bersyukur dengan terus membagikan cerita, mengukir sejarah dan menapaki setiap tangga mimpi.

Minggu-minggu ini aku sedang disibukkan untuk mengurusi beberapa hal tentang beasiswa studi lanjutku, berikhtiar saja untuk terus menjalani skenario terang yang telah Allah tunjukkan kepadaku. Mencoba untuk menghayati kesyukuran atas nikmatNya yang berlimpah hingga saat ini. Sore ini aku terhentak karena sampai saat ini sudah bolak balik kantor Kelurahan Rawamangun tapi belum juga menemukan titik terang, tentang fc KK dan KTP sesorang yang tinggal di daerah Rawamangun. Rasanya hampir saja putus asa dan berhenti hingga akhirnya teringat bahwa aku punya beberapa kenalan Ibu-ibu yang tinggal di Rawamangun. Aku biasa kongkow bersama  mereka di taman surganya Allah tiap ahad (red:pengajian). Semoga ini menjadi solusi dari fc KK dan KTP yang sampai saat ini belum menuai solusi. Setelah selesai kongkow di taman surga, aku menghampiri salah satu Ibu yang entah mengapa sejak kemaren wajahnya selalu terbesit di pikiran ketika aku sedang memikirkan fc KK dan KTP itu. Aku mungkin memang berjodoh dengan Ibu tersebut, hingga Allah mengahantarkan aku kepadanya, bukan kepada Ibu yang lain. Wajah sumringahnya menyambutku, ketika aku hampiri beliau dan menyampaikan maksud hati ingin meminta tolong kepadanya. tidak ada keraguan dari hatinya untuk membantuku menyelesaikan ganjelan pikiran yang sejak kemaren menggangguku. alhamdulillah... Ingat sekali, sore itu hujan rintik mengiringi langkahku bersamanya dan seorang putri keduanya. Gadis itu adalah adik juniorku di kampus dan aku tau betul perjuangannya menembus UNJ dan mempertahankan untuk tetap bisa kuliah di kampus pergerakan itu. kita sampai di sebuah rumah kontrakkan yang membuat hatiku basah. untung saja aku masih bisa membendung bulir beningku agar tak jatuh disaat yang tidak tepat. Tidak banyak kata yang mampu aku ucapkan, mungkin hanya sepatah dua patah saja. Rasanya lidahku ini kelu, tercekat oleh sesuatu yang aku tidak tau itu apa.
Aku kagum kepada sosoknya, aku kagum akan ketangguhan, keyakinan, kebaikan hati yang dimiliki oleh keluarga kecil ini. Ia sudah lama ditinggalkan oleh suaminya, sendiri saja menghidupi keempat anaknya; dua gadis mahasiswa dan dua jagoan hebat yang masih berada di bangku sekolah. Sering kali ia bercerita tentang perlakuan semena-mena yang menimpa anaknya yang berkebutuhan khusus. Allah.. masih ada orang-orang yang tidak berpikir jernih, yang seharusnya bisa mempergunakan akal yang telah Allah berikan. Tapi ia sangat percaya bahwa Allah begitu menyayanginya, Kunjunganku ke istana kecilnya sore itu mengajariku definisi jodoh yang berbeda. Saat dahulu aku hanya mendifinisikan jodoh tentang seseorang yang Allah takdirkan untuk menjadi sebagian dari hidupku, tapi kini aku mampu mendifinisakannya dengan sudut pandang yang semakin luas. Jodoh adalah ketetapan Allah tentang sesiapa saja yang mampu memberikan erti dalam ruang-ruang kehidupan. Sesiapa saja yang melengkapi puzzle kehidupan kita. Ibu tangguh itu adalah jodohku, jodoh yang Allah kirimkan kepadaku, untuk mengajari erti hidup lebih dalam. memaknainya dengan penuh kesyukuran. Allah tidak pernah tidur, tidak pernah Alfa, tidak pernah salah perhitungan. Hal jazaaul ihsaan illal ihsan (balasan kebaikan itu adalah juga kebaikan). (SNH)

Friday 31 May 2013


Writing Paraphrase
I.                                            Artificial Language
Since the time of Descrates, it is estimated that no fewer than five hundred attempts have been made to create artificial language for international use. The most successful by far has been Esparanto, a language constructed around the end of the nineteenth century by Dr. Zamenhof of Poland. Esparanto is a language that is extremely easy to learn and speak, with its words drawn mainly from English, German, the Romance language, Latin, and Greek.
A more recent arrival on the international scene is Interlingua, scientifically constructed by a group of language experts out of Latin, the Romance Language, and English. But whereas Esparto has a large body of people who actually speak it scattered throughout the world, Interlingua has not yet achieved much popularity. (Pei 175-176)

Descrates – attempts - to create artificial language for international use – Esparanto – constructed - the end of the nineteenth century by Dr. Zamenhof of Poland - its words drawn mainly from English, German, the Romance language, Latin, and Greek.

recent arrival – Interlingua – Esparanto – scattered throughout the world – Interlingua - has not yet achieved.


                 Language is the most beneficial mean to communicate, so in the Descarates of time there were a lot of attempts have been created to construct the artificial language to build the good relationship through the world. Fortunately, in the end of nineteenth century Esparanto was constructed by Dr. Zamenhof of Poland. Esparanto language have eased people in communicating. This language is drawn by mainly from English, German, the Romance language, Latin, and Greek, the compilation of all language that grew fast. As the time goes the recent artificial language which comes is Interlingua. But Esparanto has becomed the artificial language which is achieved by all people.

2.                              Artificial Language – Objections

The main objection to constructed language, like Esparanto or Interlingua, is that they have not developed all the thought-carrying machinery and shades of meaning that natural language for themselves over a period of many centuries; also, the artificial language presented so far lean too heavily in the direction of the western European and American nations, and carry too little in the way of Slavic, Asiatic, and African words and habits of thought. (Pei 176)

Main objection – artificial language – have not developed - thought-carrying machinery and shades of meaning the natural language – lean – western European and American.


        Every country have its own language, this artificial language functions as a bridge to connect those different language. But, not every language can grow in every place. The arrival of Esparanto had been followed by Interlingua. But, both Esparanto and Interlingua have the main objection to develop. The first cause is the thought which carrying machinery and shades meaning the natural language. The first language or natural language always influences the second language. The second cause is because this artificial language is leaning to the Western European and American nation, and not all of the country are appropriate to those language. Such Slavic, Asiatic, and African. These country are prefer to the eastern habits of thought.


Thursday 30 May 2013


Direct Quotation


1. How many direct quotations are used in the model paragraph?
There are three direct quotations used in the model paragraph.

2. What reporting verbs and phrases are used to introduce the direct quotations?
Reporting verbs which are used: stated, as saying, and according to.


1. Dr. Yixuan  Ma, a well-known astrophysicist who has been studying black holes, said, “It is one of the most interesting phenomena we astrophysicists have ever studied.”
2. As she explained, “In black holes the laws of nature do not seem to apply.”
3. “A black hole is a tiny point with the mass 25 times the mass of our sun,”     explained Ma’s associate, Chun-Yi Su, “black holes are created by the death of a very large star,” she stated.
4. “It is an invisible vacuum cleaner in space,” she added, “with tremendous gravitational pull.”
5. According to Dr. Su, “If a person falls into a black hole, he will eventually be crushed due to the tremendous gravitational forces.”
6. “Time will slow down  for him as he approaches the event horizon,” she said, “and when he reaches the event horizon, time will stand still for him.

Changing Direct Quotation to Indirect Quotation


1. How many indirect quotations does the paragraph contain?
There are four sentences which contain indirect quotation.

2. What reporting verbs or phrases introduce the indirect quotation? Which one(s) do not contain the word that?
Reporting verbs 0r phrases which are used: said that, estimated that, also said, according to.
Also said and according to do not contain the word that.

B. Look at the model paragraph “Drugs and the Olympic Games” on page 83 and find the one indirect quotation. Does it follow the sequence of tenses rules?
Yes, it follows the sequence of tenses rules.


1. Television channel KSA General Manager Jim Burns said that not everyone could attend college via television would offer many more students the chance to earn a collage degree.
2. Pre-med student Alma Rodriguez said that he missed being on campus, but he had to work and took care of his family.
3. Other students said that last year they had spent several hours a day commuting to and from school. Now they didn’t have to do that.
4. Computer engineering student Amir Mehdizadeh stated that he could choose when to study and how to study without pressure. He also said that he would take two more telecourses in the fall.



Using Statistics

                                            World’s Major Consumers of Primary  Energy
    According to statistics published by the U.S. Department of Energy, the world’s consumption of primary energy continued to increase in 1994 in quadrillion Btu’s. The three top consumers included the United State, China, and Russia. However, the largest consumer was United States. It used 85.64 quadrillion Btu. Japan consumed 20.7 quadrillion Btu, whereas Germany consumed 13.87 quadrillion Btu. The countries that consumed less than 10 quadrillion Btu included India , United Kingdom , Franca , and Italy.


1.                                      People’s Attention on Credit Cards Debt in USA
            According to graphs result of a USA Today survey of 2,300 readers, the people’s attention about the amount of debt on credit cards is influenced by their aged. This survey divided the age of the reader into 4 age type; under 30, between 30-45, 46-60, and over 60, and gave three choices of answer to the reader included; yes, no, and somewhat. People in over 60 age type are the highest amount who mostly concerned about the amount of their credit cards debt with the result 81%  “yes”, 13%  “no”, and 6%  “somewhat”. People in 46-60 age type have the second position with 62% “yes”, 30%  “no”, and 8%  “somewhat”, whereas people in 30-45 age type who said “yes” and “no” have the same amount 43% and 14% answered “somewhat”. The last position is under 30 age type, 32%  “yes”, 55%  “no”, and 13% with “somewhat”. According to this survey, younger people in USA will have less attention on their credit cards debt.

2. People’s Awareness of All Credit Card Bills Payment Every Month in
       According to graphs result of a USA Today survey of 2,300 readers, the people’s awareness of all credit card bills payment every month in USA is influenced by their aged. This survey divided the age of the reader into 4 age type; under 30, between 30-45, 46-60, and over 60, and gave two choices of answer to the reader included; yes and no. People in over 60 age type are the smallest amount who pay the credit card bill every month, with the result only 13% said “yes” and 87% “no”. People in 46-60 age have 32% said “yes” and 68% said “no”, whereas people in 30-45 age type 51% said “yes” and 49% said “no”. The first position is under 30 age type, 59% of them said “yes” and 41% said “no”. According to this survey, younger people in USA will have the most awareness of all credit card bills payment every month.


Sunday 24 March 2013

Essays Outlining

                                                           Studying in The Large Cities

I. Introduction

         Thesis statement: studying in the large cities has certain advantages over studying in the suburbs:  the ease in gaining information, the amount of daily needs, and the good facilities.

II. Body

A. The ease in gaining information.
        1. The large cities are the center of government, factory, and education.
        2. The spreading of issues in the great cities faster than in the suburbs.
B. As students the needs that must be required are more than the common people.
        1. The big cities provides the students equipment cheaper and easier.
        2. Many market exists, help the students to achieve the daily needs.
C. The large cities requires the good facilities to the students.
        1. The government do not serve the same facilities between suburbs and the large cities.
        2. The facilities take the great rule in term of the education’s quality.

III. Conclusion
        In short, the studying in the large cities has certainly eased the students to increase their qualities rather than studying in the suburbs. But, again as in the same cases the existance of the disadvantages can not be ignored, there is more risk and threat will happen if the students do not do the right. The ease of finding the news, the existance of appliance, and the facilities which were provided by the government should be benefited affectively.

Resuming Assigment

                                                                          Essays Writing
                          Essay is one of the writing types which have become popular. The word essays itself is the English word which was influenced by Latin language, it comes from the word ‘exigere’ which means ‘to test’, ‘to examine’, and literally it translated into ‘drive out’. This type of writing  is common used to argue something, concise the information, concerning about one issue then playing the idea with describing,  remarking on the issues, giving the result and commentating of the issues by showing the research or even though telling the story. But, no matter what the common purposes of writing essays is again to argue what have happened, using the moderate point of view. Neither very formal language nor the informal, it states in the middle of it.
                         There are four genres of essays, it differs in the way of arguing towards the thing. The expository essay is a kind that requires the author to pay attention to the issues which have spread and gives the evaluation. Usually it consists of the five paragraphs essay which connected well. The thesis statement usually explained in the first paragraph by giving the factual and logical explanation.
The author can also create the essays by describing people, places and whatever the exciting  thing to them. To make this essay different with the descriptive text the author should choose the words carefully and make it more academically, then involving the emotion in the story to impress the reader with the content is also needed, but the organitation of the words must be arranged logically.
If many readers interested in reading the narrative text, it will be the same cases as in the narrative essay. While writing this narrative essay the author must have the great reason why they must analyse it. The author’s reason  why they decide to analyse the story must be mentioned with telling all the intrinsic element of the story logically.
The last type of essays is argumentative, it is similar with the expository one. It differenciate in length, and the amounth of research which involved. The data which involved in this essays more accurate and observed, because observation is needed to find the correct data.
All those kind of essay are the types that the authors can do to write, and it could be learned by practicing.